A Colossal Win

Greatest Baker Contest

Thanks to our partners, Colossal and DTCare, The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation is the charity beneficiary of a few online voting contests. The latest contest was America’s Greatest Baker. This was a tremendously popular contest, beyond even my wildest hopes. I hope you’re sitting down… :) We received a donation of nearly $1,400,000 from this contest! With the tremendous increase in family assistance applications, this help is so needed and appreciated.


Featured Families


“Thank you so much for being here to support families like mine. My name is Annie and I am the mother to a brave young boy, Lucas. Lucas is an energetic, active, funny, little 3-year-old. Lucas loves to ride his bike, swim, and help mom around the house.

For us, it all began in 2021 when Lucas was only 1 year old. We took Lucas to the doctor for what we thought was constipation. A whirlwind of doctors, tests, being transferred to children's in Boston, and watching my baby's body way too small for a stretcher let me know that there was something seriously wrong. After 48 hours of no sleep, the doctors told us that Lucas had cancer. Our 1-year-old baby boy had cancer. We were told it was ALL and that we caught it early.

Lucas has had multiple blood transfusions, hospital visits, numerous rounds of chemo, and Lucas is now in remission. While we do worry about what the future holds, we are so grateful for what we do have. Lucas battles with resilience that only children are able to show. Thanks to our incredible support system, our doctors, child life and social workers, and organizations like B+ foundation we can have a little room to breathe. We will continue to fight alongside organizations and communities like this for kids like Lucas.”

As you’ll see below, I don’t think Lucas has lost his appetite! :)


As you’ll see below, this Princess is “afraid of nothing”! Our brave B+ Heroes.

I hope everyone has a great week. On this Valentine’s Day week, have a heart —- please help our kids. Thanks!


Ali & Andrew’s Dad



B+ Around the World!


Breaking Records!!!