Live Like Andrew Today!

As I posted last week, I was blessed with the opportunity to hold my grandson, Luke Andrew, for the very first time. I literally had tears in my eyes - of happiness. But, stepping back, I do have to wonder about this world that he is entering. As you know, I work every day to fight for kids with make the world a little better for them and their families. And you all have been so supportive and done so much to help us make great progress. This is especially appreciated since so many of you are 'outside the circle' of having a child with cancer. I just struggle to understand why we can't show that same compassion for other people outside our circles. Lately, I have watched numerous videos of people, often elderly, who have been violently beat up solely based upon their Asian ethnicity. I just don't get it. If you believe in God, regardless of your particular faith, this just can't be acceptable! This is not a political statement...this is a statement about humanity. I am so proud to work with such a compassionate and hard-working team at The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation. I know that I speak for each of them when I say that we truly value each child with cancer and their families...and it makes absolutely no difference to us what their race, ethnicity, political party, gender identity, or anything else is. We all have challenges. Life is tough. Let's try to make life a little easier for someone today. That is what it means to "Live Like Andrew!"


Childhood Cancer Annual Lobby Day (Virtual)

Whether you’ve had childhood cancer impact your family directly or not, we would love to have you join us as we ‘show up’ for the kids.  This year, once again, will be a virtual lobbying of federally-elected officials.  Training is provided.  If you’re interested, please sign up here.

Ali & Andrew's Dad


Exciting Research News!


Welcome Andrew's Nephew!!!